Meeting at Souly Holistic: 5540 McNeely Drive, Suite 101 in Raleigh.
For 2025, the Path of Manifestation down the Chakras will provide the structure for our monthly themes. These meetings include discussions about manifesting from the perspectives of the chakras and the law of attraction. Chakra information is partially sourced from Anodea Judith’s and Lion Goodman’s book, “Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting Through the Chakras.” The work of Abraham Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and others will also be referenced throughout the year.
$20 love offering.
Please RSVP by registering on Meetup or Facebook and sending your payment with a note of the event name and your email address to:
Venmo @Karin-Cross-3 to verify the last 4 digits of phone is 2475
Cash app $KarinCross
Alternatively, you may bring a check or cash to class, but please register so that we have enough materials for everyone.
“You don’t get what you want; you get what you are.” (Sara Landon)
Our thoughts are energy that carry a particular charge or frequency into the Quantum Field regarding what we are focusing on, and the Quantum Field sends back more of the same based on the emotions we are experiencing around our thoughts. This is the basis of the Law of Attraction.
“You get what you think about whether you want it or not.” (Abraham Hicks)
Because we are ALWAYS THINKING and we get what we think about, it is VERY helpful and productive for us to become aware of what we think about and to tweak our thoughts accordingly…especially if we want to experience more of what we do want and less of what we don’t want.
What do you spend a lot of your time thinking about? How do your thoughts make you feel? You can tell whether your thoughts are helping you or making life more difficult for you by how you feel when you think them.
Always Manifesting is a monthly sharing and learning experience in which you:
Identify and focus in on something that you want to create or experience.
Identify and release or shift limiting thoughts and beliefs that may be making your journey difficult, slowing the unfolding of your goals and dreams down a bit, or blocking your desire altogether.
Identify and adopt new thoughts and beliefs that help you experience what you want faster, more easily, and much more joyfully.
Learn various techniques and practices that help you and your marvelous brain think and be more powerfully in alignment with ALL your goals and dreams so that life suddenly feels like you have your own personal magic wand.
Each session has a particular focus, but the agenda will be fluid and flexible to allow space for free-flowing discussion and questions.
Come with a different goal or desire each time, or focus on a specific longer-term objective moving it forward each month. Whatever it is that you want, Always Manifesting will help you achieve your goals and dreams and have a lot of fun doing it.
Are you ready to experience the fun and exhilaration of setting goals and dreams and then seeing them unfold right before your very eyes? You can do it. YOU HAVE THIS KIND OF POWER! It’s time to CLAIM YOUR POWER. Join us each month to learn how and to move forward in experiencing all that you desire.
I am a QSCA certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, and Always Manifesting is a Law of Attraction based program. Source materials include the teachings and processes of Abraham Hicks and Dr. Joe Dispenza, among others. Universal principles are also introduced and often referenced when discussing how powerful and capable we truly are.